Memory cards are used in all forms of digital media like digital cameras, computers, mobile phones, music players e.t.c. But agony is when you want to store more data than your memory card can accomodate. So if it happens that you parchased a card before and you feel that its storage capacity is not enough to your satisfaction, Well, there is a good news for you. You can convert a 1GB memory card to 2 GB with the help of just a simple click :D
- Note that this trick will only work on a 1GB memory Card. (970MB +)
- Backup all the data on your memory card (because the card will format in the process)
- Download the Skymedi-2GB-Fix-Software here .
- After you have download the software, run the 1GB_to_2GB.exe file.
- Then choose the drive letter of your memory card, and click on the Fixbutton as shown below
5. Then click yes to confirm and you are done!!! Your memory card's memory capacity will be increased from 1GB to aproximately 2GB.
You can now check your memory card's storage capacity wheather it has changed or not. Simply unplug the memory stick from your computer and plug it back, then right click on your memory card drive icon, go to properties and see your new storage capacity. You can also test your memory card by transfering in data which is nearly 2GB. It worked right? *smile*
Note that some mobile phones especially ''chineese junks'' may still show a 1GB capacity even after the tweak, but dont worry, your memory card is already tweaked with a new & higher storage capacity. Just transfer all the files you need and Enjoy