Driver Checker

Driver Checker – Manager driver who not only detects and “pull” driver from the system for them to return to after you reinstall your system, but also update them on the more recent, from a large database of the original drivers from the manufacturer. It supports and automatically updates the driver: printers and scanners, USB, audio, Vista, Bluetooth, mouse and keyboard, Video, RAID, modems and network cards, web cameras, graphics cards, VGA, and other Windows-drivers.
Basic Driver Checker:
- Comprehensively scan your entire system
- Automatic Updates, installation and driver support
- Specific drivers for your computer
- Ability to backup drivers
- Restore System Drivers
- Completely remove the drivers
Key Features and Benefits of Driver Checker:
- Starightfoward and intuitive interface
- Better PC performance and improved stability
- Access to the largest drivers database in the industry
- Continous updates for the latest manufacturer drivers
- Submit the unavailable drivers updated in next version
- Unlimited technical supports with our 24×7 technicians
- Automatically update and maintain these drivers: Printer Drivers, USB Drivers, Sound / Audio Drivers, Vista Drivers, Bluetooth Drivers, Mouse Drivers, Keyboard Drivers, RAID Drivers, Scanner Drivers, Video Drivers, Modem Drivers, Network Drivers, Linksys Drivers, Webcam Drivers, Graphic Drivers, VGA Drivers & Other Windows Drivers!
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Maximize IDM Download Speed Using IDM Optimizer
One more small tools that may be very useful for your users Internet Download Manager. This time I am going to share the small tools that can maximize the performance of IDM without having the person who tinkers registry. With this tool, which is split connectionnya maksimalin be 16 and a maximum speed connectionnya so. The way it works is as follows.
1. This program will create a new file in the directory that contains the name of the IDM Optimizer.exe IDMMax.inf that contains the script to go into the registry, trus-tweaking ngutak in HKCU / software / downloadmanager for performance maksimalin IDM
2. In the registry, this script changes the value of Advanced Integration -> 1, ConnectionSpeed -> 999 999, ConnectionType -> 11, MaxConnectionsNumber -> 16
3. Whereas if you find IDMDef.inf file, then script it contains to restore settings to the initial conditions IDM
4. To apply the changes, it is necessary to restart the IDM
Here are instructions on how to use IDM optimizer
1. IDM must be installed on your computer
2. After the IDM is installed, open the program
3. Select Maximize Now! to optimize the performance of the IDM, then Restart IDM
4. Select Restore Default to return to the initial IDM
5. Restart IDM
Hack some other computer remotely using their IP address

Hi Friends Now i am going to guide you how to access the victim system
Get the IP address of Your victim.
remotely using the IP address.
Steps to Follow:
Step 1:
Now Go to Star and click Run and then type
as "CMD" and hit enter.
command prompt will open.
Step 2:
Type in cmd as "nbtstat -a
IPaddressOfVictim" and hit enter.
For eg:
nbstat -a
If you see this your in NetBIOS Remote
Machine Name Table
Name Type Status
user<00> UNIQUE Registered
workgroup <00> GROUP Registered
user <03> UNIQUE Registered
user <20> UNIQUE Registered
MAC Address = xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
If you don't get the number
The victim disabled the File And Printer
Sharing, find another victim.
Step 4:
Now type as "net use x:
\\IPaddressOfVictim\CDISK" and hit enter>
replace with ip address of vitim in
the place of "IPaddressOfVictim.
You can give any letter instead of 'x'.
For eg:
net use x:\\\CDISK
Step 5:
Now open windows explorer or just double
click on the My Computer icon on your
desktop and you will see a new network
Now open windows explorer or just double
click on the My Computer icon on your
desktop and you will see a new network
drive X:.
This hack
will only work if you have the ip of someone on your network. It will not work
if the ip of the person you want to "hack" is not on your network.
If you
can only access your targets shared folder put a batch file in their shared
folder with the command C=C if they open it,it will share their hardrive.
Hide ur Phone number while calling

Hi...Friends..!! Today i am publishing the trick for hiding your phone number while calling.
If you want to hide your phone number when calling, put one of these codes in front of the number that you are going to call.
*#30# , *31#
eg. *#330#9855812345
If u want to show the number then add any of the following code in front of number u r calling to:
*#31# , #31#
Note : Trick may work depending upon ur operator!!!!!
Watch Live CCTV Cameras ( Secret or Network Cameras ) On Your Browser

Hi Friends today I will Explain About How To Watch Live CCTV or Secret Cameras In Your Web browser.
Depending upon the type of Camera that you have access to and may be able to control the camera like zoom , pan and tilt the camera .
Follow The Steps Below :-
Open your Browser and Choose any Search Engine .Try to Choose Google.
In the Google Type the Following Codes as i Given Below.
Command Codes For Live CCTV Cameras :-
inurl: view/index.shtml.
intitle:axis intitle:"video server"
intitle:"Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed"
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS 206M"
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS 206W"
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS 210"
inurl: indexframe.shtmlaxis.
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS"
intitle:"WJ-NT104 Main Page"
intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
intitle:"sony network camera snc-p1"
intitle:"Toshiba Network Camera" user login
intitle:"i-Catcher Console-Webmoniter".
How to Crack User Account Password on Any Operating System

Computer passwords are like locks on doors – they keep honest people honest. If someone wishes to gain access to your laptop or computer, a simple login password will not stop them. Most computer users do not realize how simple it is to access the login password for a computer, and end up leaving vulnerable data on their computer, unencrypted and easy to access.
Are you curious how easy it is for someone to gain access to your computer? If so, read on to see the technique one might use to figure out your computer password.
Windows is still the most popular operating system, and the method used to discover the login password is the easiest. The program used is called Ophcrack, and it is free. Ophcrack is based on Slackware, and uses rainbow tables to solve passwords up to 14 characters in length. The time required to solve a password? Generally 10 seconds. The expertise needed? None.
Simply download the Ophcrack ISO and burn it to a CD (or load it onto a USB drive via UNetbootin). Insert the CD into a machine you would like to gain access to, then press and hold the power button until the computer shuts down. Turn the computer back on and enter BIOS at startup. Change the boot sequence to CD before HDD, then save and exit.
The computer will restart and Ophcrack will be loaded. Sit back and watch as it does all the work for your. Write down the password it gives you, remove the disc, restart the computer, and log in as if it were you own machine.
The second most popular operating system, OS X is no safer when it comes to password cracking then Windows.
The easiest method would be to use Ophcrack on this, also, as it works with Mac and Linux in addition to Windows. However, there are other methods that can be used, as demonstrated below.
If the Mac runs OS X 10.4, then you only need the installation CD. Insert it into the computer, reboot. When it starts up, select UTILITIES > RESET PASSWORD. Choose a new password and then use that to log in.
If the Mac runs OS X 10.5, restart the computer and press COMMAND + S. When at the prompt, type:
fsck -fy
mount -uw /
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
dscl . -passwd /Users/UserName newpassword
That’s it. Now that the password is reset, you can login.
Finally, there is Linux, an operating system quickly gaining popularity in mainstream, but not so common you’re likely to come across it. Though Mac and Linux are both based on Unix, it is easier to change the password in Linux than it is OS X.
To change the password, turn on the computer and press the ESC key when GRUB appears. Scroll down and highlight ‘Recovery Mode’ and press the ‘B’ key; this will cause you to enter ‘Single User Mode’.
You’re now at the prompt, and logged in as ‘root’ by default. Type ‘passwd’ and then choose a new password. This will change the root password to whatever you enter. If you’re interested in only gaining access to a single account on the system, however, then type ‘passwd username’ replacing ‘username’ with the login name for the account you would like to alter the password for.

er accounts.In every installation of Windows XP there is a built-in and default administrator user account named Administrator, which is equivalent to super user or root in Unix system. However, if you have set up another user account in Windows XP, the Administrator account will be hidden, cloaked and invisible in User Accounts or Computer Management.
Now the Question is How to Unhide it ?
To see the Administrator account, you have to Boot Windows in Safe Mode. However, you can modify the Windows registry so that the Administrator account will be shown at Windows XP Welcome screen for you to select, in the Control Panel’s User Accounts and in the local user lists in Computer Management.
To see the Administrator account, you have to Boot Windows in Safe Mode. However, you can modify the Windows registry so that the Administrator account will be shown at Windows XP Welcome screen for you to select, in the Control Panel’s User Accounts and in the local user lists in Computer Management.
How to ?
1. Launch Registry Editor.
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList in the
Registry Editor.
Registry Editor.
3. Double-click the Administrator key in the right pane.
4. If the Administrator key doesn’t exist, right-click on the above
tree in the pane, choose New, DWORD Value, name it Administrator and press .
tree in the pane, choose New, DWORD Value, name it Administrator and press .
5. Type 1 in the Value data box, and press .
To launch User Accounts in Control Panel, you can go to Control Panel
-> User Accounts, or click Start -> Run, and then type Control
userpasswords and press Enter.
you unhide and reveal the Administrator account, you can change its
picture or assign it a password or change the password. In addition, on
the next boot to the Welcome screen, the Administrator account will be
visible, along with all of the computer’s other us How To Hide Hard Disk Partition In Xp

Do you know you can hide a hard drive partition in Windows XP? If there is any sensitive information on your hard drive and you don’t want to share the drive with others due to security reasons, this will definitely come handy. Explore this article and get step-by-step assistance to perform this task.
Let’s take a look at the steps bellow
• Step 1: Click the Windows “Start” button and click “Run.”
• Step 2: In the command line, type “gpedit.msc“. This will open the group policy editor.Let’s take a look at the steps bellow
• Step 1: Click the Windows “Start” button and click “Run.”
• Step 3: Move your mouse down to “User Configuration” and click the “+” sign next to it.
• Step 4: Click the “+” sign next to “Administration Template.”
• Step 5: Now browse down to “Windows Components” and click the “+” next to it.
• Step 6: Click on “Windows Explorer” and find the line that says “Hide these specific drives in my computer” on the right side of the screen.
• Step 7: Double-click “Hide these specific drives in my computer.” You can also right-click, then click “Properties.”
• Step 8: Here you have to select the box next to “Enabled.”
• Step 9: Click the arrow next to “Restrict All Drives” and select the drives that you don’t want to show.
• Step 10: Click “Apply” and then click “OK.”
• Step 11: Exit group policy editor.

Consumer Preview Windows 8 Build 8250 + Serial Key is the Operating System next generation Windows 7 is still being developed and provided to users by the Windows globally to do tested by interested users to try Windows 8 . According to Softpedia level of security is more secure than Windows 7, a more interesting, and the speed of the better than Windows 7.
Features: Touch-First User Interface:
Metro style - Windows 8 introduces a new Metro style interface built for touch, which shows information important to you, embodies simplicity and gives you control. The Metro style UI is equally at home with a mouse and keyboard as well.
Touch-first browsing, not just browsing on a touch device - Providing a fast and fluid touch-browsing experience, Internet Explorer 10 puts sites at the center on new Windows 8 devices.
More Ways to Engage With Powerful, Connected Apps:
Powered by apps - Metro style apps built for Windows 8 are the focal point of your experience, filling your entire screen so there are no distractions.
Apps can work together - Apps communicate with each other in Windows 8. For example, you can easily select and email photos from different places, such as Facebook, Flickr or on your hard drive.
Your experience syncs across your devices - Live roams all the content from the cloud services you use most — photos, email, calendar and contacts — keeping them up-to-date on your devices. With SkyDrive, you can access your files, photos and documents from virtually anywhere with any browser or with Metro style apps in Windows 8.
Enhanced Fundamentals:
The best of Windows 7, only better - Windows 8 is built on the rock-solid foundation of Windows 7, delivering improvements in performance, security, privacy and system reliability. Windows 8 reduces the memory footprint needed - even on the lowest-end hardware - leaving more room for your apps.
Preserving power-user favorites and making them better - For those who push the limits of their PC, Windows 8 features an enhanced Task Manager and Windows Explorer and new, flexible options for multimonitor setups.
New Developer Opportunities:
Windows Store - The Windows Store will allow developers to sell their apps anywhere Windows is sold worldwide, whether they’re creating new games or familiarproductivity tools.
Build using more languages - Windows 8 lets you leverage your existing skills and code assets to create great experiences using the programming language you prefer.
Rich hardware integration leads to richer experiences, particularly for games - DirectX 11 gaming power underlies Windows 8, allowing the easy creation of full-screen games with smooth, flicker-free action.
New Generation of Hardware:
One Windows - many shapes and sizes - Support for ARM-based chipsets, x86 (as well as x32 and x64) devices, touch and sensors means Windows 8 works beautifully across a spectrum of devices, from 10-inch tablets and laptops to all-in-ones with 27-inch high-definition screens.
Always connected - With Windows 8, new ultrathin PCs and tablets turn on instantly, run all day on a single charge and stay connected to the Internet so your PC is ready when you are. Next-generation system on a chip (SoC) support will also enable greatly extended standby and low-power states.
Tap the full power of your PC - Windows 8 runs on PCs and is compatible with the devices and programs you use today on Windows 7, without compromise, to deliver the performance you expect of a PC.
1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor;
1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit);
16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit);
DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.
Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch
Limitations: Expires on 15 January 2013
Features: Touch-First User Interface:
Metro style - Windows 8 introduces a new Metro style interface built for touch, which shows information important to you, embodies simplicity and gives you control. The Metro style UI is equally at home with a mouse and keyboard as well.
Touch-first browsing, not just browsing on a touch device - Providing a fast and fluid touch-browsing experience, Internet Explorer 10 puts sites at the center on new Windows 8 devices.
More Ways to Engage With Powerful, Connected Apps:
Powered by apps - Metro style apps built for Windows 8 are the focal point of your experience, filling your entire screen so there are no distractions.
Apps can work together - Apps communicate with each other in Windows 8. For example, you can easily select and email photos from different places, such as Facebook, Flickr or on your hard drive.
Your experience syncs across your devices - Live roams all the content from the cloud services you use most — photos, email, calendar and contacts — keeping them up-to-date on your devices. With SkyDrive, you can access your files, photos and documents from virtually anywhere with any browser or with Metro style apps in Windows 8.
Enhanced Fundamentals:
The best of Windows 7, only better - Windows 8 is built on the rock-solid foundation of Windows 7, delivering improvements in performance, security, privacy and system reliability. Windows 8 reduces the memory footprint needed - even on the lowest-end hardware - leaving more room for your apps.
Preserving power-user favorites and making them better - For those who push the limits of their PC, Windows 8 features an enhanced Task Manager and Windows Explorer and new, flexible options for multimonitor setups.
New Developer Opportunities:
Windows Store - The Windows Store will allow developers to sell their apps anywhere Windows is sold worldwide, whether they’re creating new games or familiarproductivity tools.
Build using more languages - Windows 8 lets you leverage your existing skills and code assets to create great experiences using the programming language you prefer.
Rich hardware integration leads to richer experiences, particularly for games - DirectX 11 gaming power underlies Windows 8, allowing the easy creation of full-screen games with smooth, flicker-free action.
New Generation of Hardware:
One Windows - many shapes and sizes - Support for ARM-based chipsets, x86 (as well as x32 and x64) devices, touch and sensors means Windows 8 works beautifully across a spectrum of devices, from 10-inch tablets and laptops to all-in-ones with 27-inch high-definition screens.
Always connected - With Windows 8, new ultrathin PCs and tablets turn on instantly, run all day on a single charge and stay connected to the Internet so your PC is ready when you are. Next-generation system on a chip (SoC) support will also enable greatly extended standby and low-power states.
Tap the full power of your PC - Windows 8 runs on PCs and is compatible with the devices and programs you use today on Windows 7, without compromise, to deliver the performance you expect of a PC.
1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor;
1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit);
16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit);
DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.
Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch
Limitations: Expires on 15 January 2013
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Hack Web Site with IIS Exploit in Window7 webdav vulnerablity

This is very easy way to hack web sites there are much sites available for hack them,,,
Very easy for Newbies, many peoples want to start learn Hacking, but some peoples only want to hack web sites,
they should start from this,, this is easy way,
Every one can enjoy so lets start the tutorial
Tutorial for iis Exploit in Window7
Step:1 Goto My Computer And Rjght Click ON Add a network location
Step:2 Now Opened Add a network Wizard Click Next
Step:3 Choose custon network location and hit next
Step:4 In Now type the name of the Vulnerable site in this. e.g
Step:5 Now Successfully created a ntework location and click on Finsih
Step:6: Now the folder will appear. You can open it and put any deface page or anything
In your case it will be ” www.[sitename].com/[file name that you uploaded] “
In your case it will be ” www.[sitename].com/[file name that you uploaded] “